Our blog is about Fashion, Celebrities, Random Things, etc. and sometimes our homerwork is going to be on there but don't mind that just look at the post related to what our blog is about!!!
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Friday, December 23, 2011
Random post
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Definition of Fashion ( in my own words)!!
To me the definiton of fashion is a sense of style and your own unique thing and like if I wore a yellow polo shirt with some pink skinny jeans and some blue converse then that's my own since of style so if you judge it it's ok because I like to go colorful! You can go plain, colorful, etc. It doesn't matter just don't let the words that people say about your clothes etc. get to you!!
I don't think I can give any Fashion Advice for Beyonce because this dress the shoes and everything matches it's perfect!!! But there is one thing the shoes and should be silver if the dress is silver!!
Selena Gomez (Fashion Advice)
I don't think that Selena should wear that pink flower on there because it brings the blazer out to much and it doesn't really match with the blazer! She has like a purple thing on her neck up there and if you can see it, it's very small she has gold buttons with a black and white blazer!
Where would you wear these cheetah print converse and what would you where them with?
I would wear these shoes to a concert or if im throwing my own party! I would wear it with gray skinny jeans (ripped) with the gray and pink gray blazer with pink cuffs!!!
Random Crazy Thing
He is so cute. Its so random because you don't see bunnys in hats .CHRISTMAS HATS.
Where would you wear these griffeys and what would you wear them with?
I would wear these shoes if I was going to a party and I would also wear them if I was going to a Wiz Khalifa concert but I'm dedicating it to him "Black & Yellow"!! I would wear these shoes with some black skinny jeans and a black polo shirt!!!
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
1. insecticide-c.a can of bug spary
2.bactericide-e.aliquid that destroys germs
3.herbicide-d.a lawn -care adveristsement
4.genocide-a.a history book about war criminal
5.homicide-b.a television show about police detective.
2.bactericide-e.aliquid that destroys germs
3.herbicide-d.a lawn -care adveristsement
4.genocide-a.a history book about war criminal
5.homicide-b.a television show about police detective.
shoe fashion
the new shoes that you will be wearing next week is the yellow bonnie shoes . you im right because its so nice because they are sexy.
kim kardashin
Look at that diamond. This is one of a kind. My question is who made this or where did she get this from.
Monday, December 19, 2011
Random post
I loved the blog and every thing she put on it. and i think five mins been up so bye and Im hungry and i want some food but not school foooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood.
Ameryst Trip to Puerto Rico!!
Ameryst trip to Puerto Rico looked GREAT I loved the way the island looked but I feel sad because I want to go to Puerto Rico my mother went to Puerto Rico (N'Deayah's Mother) and she had a great time and I know that because she told me and she even brought us some t-shirts mine had an island of Puerto Rico and had the words on it Puerto Rico by the way my mother went for her birthday sad she didn't take me and my brother and sister.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Birthday post
I went to three brithday party in one day and they sweet 16 and sweet16 and happy 60th brithday yea my aunt turned 16 im just playin.
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Classwork for Friday and Thusday!
Thursday: We did Read 4 Real for 1st period.For the 2nd period we was in the computer lab.Teacher: Mr.Kitchen.
Friday:For the 1st period we did Read 4 Real.For the 2nd period we were in the computer lab working on our censorship essays and we mad a powerpoint for our censorship essays!
Friday:For the 1st period we did Read 4 Real.For the 2nd period we were in the computer lab working on our censorship essays and we mad a powerpoint for our censorship essays!
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Wendys report
Wendy Wilson
Ms. Humphries
Why T.V. should be censored?
I think T.V should be censored because something’s are not good for kids. Censorship is then the FCC puts thing on lock down because they think you shouldn’t watch it or listen to it.
T.V.is controlled by the FCC and they choose if they want kids or adults to watch T.V or listen or music. I think that the FCC is doing the right thing because kids could be watching what ever they want because some parent doesn’t care.
My position is that I support the FCC on censorship and how they should just lock none kid channels. It helps learn what they should watch and what they shouldn’t. So they can grow up and teach there kids what they learned as a kid. To me think FCC is the best thing in the world.
Other people think they should be able to watch what ever they want on T.V. They think that the FCC shouldn’t control what they watch and what they do after they watch the movie or T.T. show. Kids say they should be able to watch sex in the city girls, BET, vh1, MTV and all the other grown up shows. And that’s the differs between the FCC and others.
I support the FCC on censorship because I think it’s the right thing to do. I think it’s better than letting kids watch killing and sex on T.V and then they will be going in this world killing people and that’s not right. Censorship prevents show kids bad things on T.V. I think they should just lock all none kid channel.
The FCC helps parents make sure there kids are watching kid shows like Nick, Cartoon Network, and Disney Channel. I support their efforts. I also think kids shouldn’t be watching PG 13 movies because it not good for them. I support censorship by the FCC.
Uncensored We Need!!! by: N'Deayah Hamlin
NO Censorship!!!!
Censorship is when the FCC blocks something they don't want kids or teens to see. Censorship affects humanity because people want to understand the life lessons & stories behind music. The FCC controls what they want to be censored. Things are censored because FCC and parents espicially don't want their kids or teens to see or hear inappropiate things.
My topic is that things should be uncensored. It's affected by censoreship because now I can't understand any of the life lessons or stories or how it was for them as a kid. People should have the freedom to say whatever they want and if they are going censor the music they make they should at least ask the singer or rapper or actor can they add positive words to this but you still can express your feelings just with positive things to say.
It makes me feel mad and frustrated that I can't understand the songs even if it has cursing. All I want to listen to is the stories but I can still understand why they censor these things because Teens and Kids get affected by these things. If they see the videos with girls doing and wearing inappropiate things then im sure they wll want to do it too.
The opposing view belives that music and television shows (including music videos) should be s\censored and that there's NO argue to that. They believe this because they don't really care about the life lessons and stories and mostly freedom, they just care about what they think.
Us people that want things to be uncensored we will work for justice. And we will try to make these things and happen and we will not give up!!! We will try to write letters to the government and FCC because our voice needs to be heard!!!
We will encourage people to not be afraid of what the FCC will say if we send them a letter about this arguement. A lot of people will act on these opinions. And just to say that I believe FCC just skims through the music and says " OH! CURSE WORD, OH! CURSE WORD" and I belive that they don't even understand us rappers, singers, or actors. We need to express that's what it is all about. And the people that wanted to become and actor, singer, and rapper didn't just follow their dreams and want their music to be misunderstood they wanted to become singers rappers and actors because they wanted to be heard of the beautiful voice and to be understood.
Maikel Censorship Essay!
What is censorship? Censorship is something that is blocked on the radio or television. Censorship effects humanity because they are copying what the radio or television is doing or saying. The people/organization who controls it is the FCC. Things are censored because they might be inappropriate.
My topic is on censorship and why it should be censored. It is affected because censorship is important so that little kids wont go around and be cursing at adults or at anyone. They wont talk about the things the singers or rappers are talking mostly about.
My position about censorship is that it is important. I think that it is important because I would like to see a change in music and in television. Music is important to me because it expresses your feelings. Changes in what you go through. The FCC means Federal Communication Commission.
My other classmates believe that music and television should not be censored because maybe they like that kind of music. They might appreciate it. They might really like to listen to those badd artist curse and act out violence and talk about drugs.
My answer about censorship is that I think that most of the bad things that happen on T.V. On the radio is that some of the stuff should be censored. It should because they curse they do violence too. They make alot of stupid mistakes/desisions.
Conclusion: My conclusion is that censorship and uncensorship is really important. These things determine what you can watch and look at. This is my essay about censorship!
My topic is on censorship and why it should be censored. It is affected because censorship is important so that little kids wont go around and be cursing at adults or at anyone. They wont talk about the things the singers or rappers are talking mostly about.
My position about censorship is that it is important. I think that it is important because I would like to see a change in music and in television. Music is important to me because it expresses your feelings. Changes in what you go through. The FCC means Federal Communication Commission.
My other classmates believe that music and television should not be censored because maybe they like that kind of music. They might appreciate it. They might really like to listen to those badd artist curse and act out violence and talk about drugs.
My answer about censorship is that I think that most of the bad things that happen on T.V. On the radio is that some of the stuff should be censored. It should because they curse they do violence too. They make alot of stupid mistakes/desisions.
Conclusion: My conclusion is that censorship and uncensorship is really important. These things determine what you can watch and look at. This is my essay about censorship!
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Monday, November 28, 2011
Q:What is Censorship?
A: Censorship is when people block out stuff that people don't want other people to see!!!!
Q:Why do you think music is censored?
A: I think music is censored because they don't want us to see or hear inappropriate things for example racism, cursing, or things related to having babies!!!
Q:Should music be uncensored?
A: YES I think music should be uncensored because people want to talk about life and that makes them get their point across so people can better understand!!! People have the freedom to say whatever they want so if they were going to censor it there is NO point on making the song!!!!
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Sunday, November 20, 2011
1. What is memory? Memory is a thing that you have and youmayforget.
2. What are the different kinds of memories? Different kinds of memories are your family, and love.
3. Why are memories important? Memories are important because you might want to remember your family and friends.
4. How do our memories shape who we are? Memories shape us by remebering all of our memories.
5. Where do groups of people keep thier memorys? In there hearts.
6. Who decides what memories are valid and worth saving, telling, or teaching? You decide these things.
7. Can we learn from our memories of others? We can because we can remember what that person did to us if it was nice of bad.
8. How can we learn from our memories? By using our memory to remeber what happend if we did something bad or not.
2. What are the different kinds of memories? Different kinds of memories are your family, and love.
3. Why are memories important? Memories are important because you might want to remember your family and friends.
4. How do our memories shape who we are? Memories shape us by remebering all of our memories.
5. Where do groups of people keep thier memorys? In there hearts.
6. Who decides what memories are valid and worth saving, telling, or teaching? You decide these things.
7. Can we learn from our memories of others? We can because we can remember what that person did to us if it was nice of bad.
8. How can we learn from our memories? By using our memory to remeber what happend if we did something bad or not.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Colors By: Maikel
I don't think that color is important because everyone are people. You should not judge anyone by there skin tone. You should not want to treat someone wrong because of there skin that is just WRONG!
It helps me see better because I wold not like anyone to judge me so I will not judge them. If they are any color of the rainbow. I still would not judge them because every person is UNIQUE in there own way!
From Jonas perspective colors are everywhere he is now on the color red. He sees Fiona with red hair. The Giver is telling him that it will happen to him. Jonas had an experience with the apple, Fiona, and the people in the auditorium.
It helps me see better because I wold not like anyone to judge me so I will not judge them. If they are any color of the rainbow. I still would not judge them because every person is UNIQUE in there own way!
From Jonas perspective colors are everywhere he is now on the color red. He sees Fiona with red hair. The Giver is telling him that it will happen to him. Jonas had an experience with the apple, Fiona, and the people in the auditorium.
Wonderful, Gleaming Colors By: N'Deayah
Color helps me perceive the world because it's exciting and it makes you think of happy places. Bright colors surrounding me I LOVE IT!! Dark colors is like a dark place for example Dark Valleys!!
Color means something!! They express their feelings. You can use colors for anything. You can even use colors to express what you are feeling. Like red means angry/mad and blue means sad. You might not know what some might mean but it's still fun to use. Sometimes colors represent YOU!!!
What I read in the chapter was that Jonas was experiencing a lot of colors he loved seeing the bright and dark colors the memories that The Giver was giving him might have been shocking and painful sometimes but he finally experienced it I think what he means in the story is that black is white all the time is boring and colors bring me happiness!!!
Color means something!! They express their feelings. You can use colors for anything. You can even use colors to express what you are feeling. Like red means angry/mad and blue means sad. You might not know what some might mean but it's still fun to use. Sometimes colors represent YOU!!!
What I read in the chapter was that Jonas was experiencing a lot of colors he loved seeing the bright and dark colors the memories that The Giver was giving him might have been shocking and painful sometimes but he finally experienced it I think what he means in the story is that black is white all the time is boring and colors bring me happiness!!!
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Uniqueness :]
Uniqueness: being the only one of it's kind!!!
List ways that WMSG encourages those behaviors!!
The behavior that encourages WMSG is nice, mean, negative attitude, positive attitude, etc. WMSG represents positive attitude and more but some of us students don't show that we are all in our bad or moody moods but we don't need to show it and that's how people are unique in WMSG because we have our own moods each day we come to school!!!
List ways that WMSG encourages those behaviors!!
The behavior that encourages WMSG is nice, mean, negative attitude, positive attitude, etc. WMSG represents positive attitude and more but some of us students don't show that we are all in our bad or moody moods but we don't need to show it and that's how people are unique in WMSG because we have our own moods each day we come to school!!!
2 Paragraphs on Sameness and Uniqueness!!!!!
How we are affected by SAMENESS is that sometimes people say they are unique all the way but really sometimes we have a lot of things in common but not necessarily everything but sometimes we really do!!!
Who controls our Sameness is you and that person because it's about your personality and the other's person's personality!!!! And SAMENESS is like a condition of being the same!!!
How we are affected by UNIQUENESS is that all of us are unique in some kind of way we might have some things in common but we are still unique!!! And some people don't want to be unique they want to be like everybody else because they maybe don't like something about their selves but they should because God made each and every one of us and we will not all be the same!!!! And the same as what we said in sameness it's about your personality to have UNIQUENESS!!!! And UNIQUENESS is like one of a kind foe example their is only 1 you!!! Ypur face is different form everybody elses!!!!!
Who controls our Sameness is you and that person because it's about your personality and the other's person's personality!!!! And SAMENESS is like a condition of being the same!!!
How we are affected by UNIQUENESS is that all of us are unique in some kind of way we might have some things in common but we are still unique!!! And some people don't want to be unique they want to be like everybody else because they maybe don't like something about their selves but they should because God made each and every one of us and we will not all be the same!!!! And the same as what we said in sameness it's about your personality to have UNIQUENESS!!!! And UNIQUENESS is like one of a kind foe example their is only 1 you!!! Ypur face is different form everybody elses!!!!!
Sameness :]
Sameness: The quality or condition of being the same!!!
List the ways that WMSG encourages those behaviors.
WMSG encourages those behaviors with sameness because we all have the same attitudes well most of us!!! Our attitude is like it's SAMENESS everyday!!!
List the ways that WMSG encourages those behaviors.
WMSG encourages those behaviors with sameness because we all have the same attitudes well most of us!!! Our attitude is like it's SAMENESS everyday!!!
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Somebody, Wanted, BS (But, So)
JONAS WANTED to discover new things he didn't know. BUT he didn't know how to. SO The Giver told him how he can discover!!!
Chapter 11 "The Giver"
What we read on chapter 11 is that Jonas' was still discovering the new exciting things he DID NOT KNOW ABOUT!!!! He did not know about Clouds, Chairs, Basketball, Movies, etc. He only had 3 books in his house!!! The Giver was telling Jonas'about a lot of things that he will discover because he is the Receiver of Memory!!!! Jonas later then discovered more and more things that The Giver talked about!!!
Random Crazy Things :]: All About Say What?? Say Something!!!
Random Crazy Things :]: All About Say What?? Say Something!!!: Q: How did he feel about the job? A: He hated the job because his mother said that it wasn't very important and he can't tell anybody abou...
Random Crazy Things :]: Warm-Up 11/15/11
Random Crazy Things :]: Warm-Up 11/15/11: Today's warm-up was about about Jonas assignment. Q: What is Jonas' Assignment? A: To be the Receiver of Memory . Q: What are the rule...
Warm-Up 11/15/11
Today's warm-up was about about Jonas assignment.
Q: What is Jonas' Assignment?
A: To be the Receiver of Memory.
Q: What are the rules for this Assignment?
A: To lie ETC.
Q: How does Jonas' feel about the rules?
A: He doesn't like them!
Q: What are your feelings or thoughts regarding Jonas' Assignment and the Assignment rules?
A: Our feelings about the rules are that they are really stupid and unnecessary!
Q: What is Jonas' Assignment?
A: To be the Receiver of Memory.
Q: What are the rules for this Assignment?
A: To lie ETC.
Q: How does Jonas' feel about the rules?
A: He doesn't like them!
Q: What are your feelings or thoughts regarding Jonas' Assignment and the Assignment rules?
A: Our feelings about the rules are that they are really stupid and unnecessary!
Monday, November 14, 2011
All About Say What?? Say Something!!!
Q: How did he feel about the job?
A: He hated the job because his mother said that it wasn't very important and he can't tell anybody about the training he is taking for the job. He also didn't like it because they said he can LIE!!!
Q: Explain was Say What? Say Something!!! is.
A: Say What?? Say Something!!! is when you read each page in the book "The Giver" and wait untill you get to the end of each page and then you Say Whatever you want like ask a question or give a comment.
Q: How did you use this activity today?
A: I used this activity very well and I liked it. It was helpful and better for us to understand.
Q: How did Say Something change the way you read?
A: Say What? Say Something!!! changed the way I read because I would really understanded the book if I just discuss it with a partner and if I don't underatnd a part i the book then my partner or Ms.Humphries can discuss it with me.
Q: Did you like using Say What?? Say Something!!! ?
A: Yes we loved using Say Something because if we didn't do that we wouldn't have a better understanding on the book!!!
Q: Do you recommend this to other student?
A: Yes we would recommend this game to other students because if they don't understand a book then they could use this game for a better understanding and like me (N'Deayah) some teachers say that I don't comprehend well on the books I read so this game really helps you to really understand!!!
A: He hated the job because his mother said that it wasn't very important and he can't tell anybody about the training he is taking for the job. He also didn't like it because they said he can LIE!!!
Q: Explain was Say What? Say Something!!! is.
A: Say What?? Say Something!!! is when you read each page in the book "The Giver" and wait untill you get to the end of each page and then you Say Whatever you want like ask a question or give a comment.
Q: How did you use this activity today?
A: I used this activity very well and I liked it. It was helpful and better for us to understand.
Q: How did Say Something change the way you read?
A: Say What? Say Something!!! changed the way I read because I would really understanded the book if I just discuss it with a partner and if I don't underatnd a part i the book then my partner or Ms.Humphries can discuss it with me.
Q: Did you like using Say What?? Say Something!!! ?
A: Yes we loved using Say Something because if we didn't do that we wouldn't have a better understanding on the book!!!
Q: Do you recommend this to other student?
A: Yes we would recommend this game to other students because if they don't understand a book then they could use this game for a better understanding and like me (N'Deayah) some teachers say that I don't comprehend well on the books I read so this game really helps you to really understand!!!
Say What?? Say Something!!!
1. Receiver of Memory.....
* Go immediately at the end of school hours each day to the Annex entrance behind the House of the Old and present yourself to the attendant.
* Go immediately to your dwelling at the conclusion of Training Hours each day.
* From this moment you are exempted from rules governing rudeness. You may ask any queston of any citizen and you will recieve answers.
* Do not discuss your training with any other member of the community, including parents and Elders.
* From this moment you are prohibited from dream-telling.
* Except for illness or injury unrelated to your training, do not apply for any medication.
* You are permitted to apply for release.
* Go immediately at the end of school hours each day to the Annex entrance behind the House of the Old and present yourself to the attendant.
* Go immediately to your dwelling at the conclusion of Training Hours each day.
* From this moment you are exempted from rules governing rudeness. You may ask any queston of any citizen and you will recieve answers.
* Do not discuss your training with any other member of the community, including parents and Elders.
* From this moment you are prohibited from dream-telling.
* Except for illness or injury unrelated to your training, do not apply for any medication.
* You are permitted to apply for release.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Thursday, November 10, 2011
"The Giver" 11/10/11 Thursday
What we read about is that this boy named Caleb had got lost a long time ago and fell in the river and that's when they had a Ceremony for the Loss ones but the community was ery strick about losing a child and so when they were at the Ceremony of the Loss ones they would say Caleb's name High then get Lower with their voices. But they also replaced the old Caleb with a new Caleb and when they got the new Calebthey said his name from Low to High with excitement because they forgot about the other Caleb after the Ceremony of the Loss ones. And we read something else about the differences of Loss ones and Released ones we learned that this boy named Roberto got released and they said it's HUGE diffrence between release and loss because when their released they dont get to have a ceremony.
Language Arts Class!
It is important that people has names because some people can be born on the same day, same month, and same time. they should also have names because there name makes them UNIQUE! Whatever it means it can describes the persons personality.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
the book giver
we read about how jonas had a striting dream and he had to tell his parnets about it. Then in antoher chaper he had a job cleaning old people because thet couldnt clean thems self. The old lady had so many stories to teel about how people get put out of this community. joans want to know way kids cant com to the released to a new community.
Today in Class!
Today we did an activity that when we ask things you cannot judge anyones opinion. It was also about how there are not enough food for other kids in the world. We think that America should at least ship food down to South America.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
"The Giver"
What happened so far from what we were reading is that Jonas had crush on this girl that's in the Elevens Group and her name is Fiona and Jonas is always feeling down because she's a very nice girl, she's fun, and quiet but she's always with Asher and not him and from our perspective we think she has some feelings for him too but he just has to be friendly and kind and hang out with her more then he will discover the real her and what her feelings are for him. pg.30
We have a connection from The Giver because on Hunger Games they have 12 years old if they are getting out in or as they say released.
The book The Giver is very interesting and one of a kind.
From: N'Deayah, Maikel, Wendy
Monday, November 7, 2011
How does this affect us?
It effects us because there is alot fo bad things going on in there community! Even if they do not know something they will get relesed from there community. I think that the next capter will be about what happens when Johna turns 12 a becomes an adult and have to get a job that he may not even want!!! Tune in to find out what happends to johna and lets see what happends next!
Summary on The Giver
The Giver was about how this boy named Jonas is in a community that is not very good to you. He has a sister that is a seven and her name is Lily. He's scared because Decembers coming and he gets a job because he's turning 12. His dad has a job as a nurturer. Once they get a job they have to keep it until death. IF THEY DO SOMETHING WRONG ONCE THEY GET RELEASED.
Definitions for Language Arts! :]
Apprehensive: Anxious or fearful.Bewilderment: Confusion.
Chastisement: verbal punishment.
Infraction: The act or instinct.
Nondescript: Lacking.
Pondered: To think..
Transgression: A violation.
Petulantly: Unreasonably irritable.
Disposition: The act of disposing.
Indolence: A attitude or problem.
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